Killed – Girl – Maggie Hollifield (Crozet, VA)

Maggie Hollifield

Tuesday at 10 a.m., the call went out for help. Albemarle County police say a 14-year-old boy shot Maggie and killed her on the 1400 block of McAllister Street. Albemarle County police remained on the scene for several hours to conduct their investigation.

Maggie Hollifield’s obituary describes a camp-loving 10-year-old who died from a “tragic accident” in her Crozet home. Albemarle Commonwealth’s Attorney Denise Lunsford agrees and will not seek indictments against the girl’s 13-year-old brother nor her parents for the fatal May 21 shooting.

Maggie’s father, Paul Hollifield, pastor at Commonwealth Christian Community, which operates Victory Hill Church of God After School Care, and his wife Anne had left their four children home that Tuesday morning to attend to business. That was not unusual for the home-schooled children, who ranged in ages from 9- to 15-years-old, according to a June 13 letter from Lunsford to Steve Sellers, Albemarle police chief, detailing what happened.

The night before, the brother had cleaned and taken apart his shotgun in the living room. The gun had been given to him by a relative and was not working properly, says the prosecutor’s letter.

The next morning, he was making a modification to the gun and had taken out the shells but forgot one in the chamber. In cycling shells through the gun to make sure it was working, the firearm discharged and struck Maggie, who was standing behind a love seat upon which their 9-year-old sibling was sitting.–95868769—Girl–10–dies-in-accidental-shooting

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